training & Consultation


Tina Haefke (sHE/Her)

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I have a passion to work with families and school staff who are frustrated in trying to manage child meltdowns and power struggles. As a social worker for over 30 years I have worked with many families and school staff, who are at their wits end, not sure what else to do to make it better.

Being a parent and working in the school system for over 20 years, I get it.  Up at night worrying, the feeling of not knowing what else to do when punishments, behaviors charts, etc. do not work. I understand challenging behavior.  I am confident that you have been doing the best that you can up to this point. If you want help in learning how to solve the problems that are creating stress and re-establish positive relationships, I can help you learn how to be successful.

As a trainer for Collaborative Problem Solving®. Think:Kids program in the Dept. of Psychiatry at the © Massachusetts General Hospital, I (with a co-trainer) can provide a Tier I training. Visit our Services page for more details.

Professional Licensure: Specialist Clinical Social Worker 

Certifications, Areas of Specialty:

Collaborative Problem Solving® Certified/Trainer (

Parent-Infant Mental Health Certification

Autism Specialist Certification

Trauma Informed Assessment and Interventions

Please email me for additional information


Collaborative Problem Solving®

CPS approach is specifically designed for parents who are ready to commit to learning how to use this parenting philosophy to reduce stress, improve child’s skills and help restore a positive relationship they desire.

The focused sessions (typically 8 to 12 sessions) are designed to provide you with the highest quality mental health services in a short amount of time to best meet your families needs. A balance of parents learning CPS and therapist understanding the problems to be solved will be assessed. Modeling and coaching of the main intervention will be provided.

Tina Haefke is a certified CPS trainer and has many years of experience in supporting families. If you are ready to be empowered with enhanced parenting skills, Let’s Talk!