Occupational THerapist


amy Owens (sHE/Her)

“Occupation” is more than just a job. Occupations are the things you do that bring meaning and purpose to your life. Occupations can range from sleep, play, leisure, work, school, and so many others. As an occupational therapist, it is my joy to help clients overcome obstacles that impact their occupations, whatever that is. 

My  30-year career as an Occupational Therapist has allowed me to serve people across the lifespan. Most of my experience has been in home-based intervention. I have been able to see what is important to them, how  their environment can affect their independence and help them problem solve how best to assist them in meeting their goals. 

As an adjunct instructor, I encourage my students to always be life-long learners. In my opinion, a great therapist stays on top of the latest research and practices. Be assured that I will use evidenced based interventions to assist clients to reach their potential. 

My promise to you is I will not tell you what you should do. I will take time to listen to what is working for you, what your goals are and how we can make occupations in your life even better.

Professional Licensure: Occupational Therapy, OTR/L Kansas University Medical Center

Areas of Specialty:

  • Sensory Based Interventions

  • Early Childhood Issues

  • Autism

  • Home Health & Hospice.

Please email me for additional information
